
Poly Pottery Box: Pinch Pots

Poly Pottery Box: Pinch Pots
Qty @ £30.00 each

This Poly Pottery Box contains everything you need to make your own pinch pot (pott pynchys in Cornish!). A pinch pot is a simple form of hand-made pottery, produced from ancient times to the present. With this technique, you can make bowls, pots and planters - and by joining two bowls together in a double pinch pot sculpture, you can make a figure to enter in our Clay Kemeneth Exhibition later this year.

  • 1kg of premium air-dry clay in a resealable bag
  • A step-by-step worksheet
  • Pottery toolkit and sponge
  • White Acrylic Paint & gloss sealant
  • Two Paintbrushes

For every box you purchase, The Poly will add another box into our free community pottery project, bringing the benefits of hands-on creativity to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity - thank you!

£30 including P&P

This product will post to your billing address. If you would like to purchase this as a gift, please email us at when your purchase is complete to arrange delivery to another address